After taking care of everyone else, women are always putting themselves last on the list, and often have very little left to give. There are many women who aren’t living—they are just existing. Women often wear their exhaustion as a badge of honor. The more you do for your loved ones, the more acceptable it becomes to “let yourself go.” Women believe it’s okay to become a “sacrificial lamb” within their own families. This is a lie that we allow ourselves to buy into, but we need to wake up! The challenge for women is that they must re-language what it means to be a wife and mother. Being a good wife and mother means that if you don’t take care of yourself, in the long run you are ultimately harming all the other people you love in your life. You won’t be the only one who takes the hit.
Do you tend to put off working out because of other’s needs. Do you tend to your children, your job, your partner, your parents because yes, they need you but also you need you! You need to take care of yourself so that you can take care of your loved ones!
I’m not suggesting always putting yourself first – that could be considered selfish. But why do you put yourself last?
It’s our time, Sisters, but only if we take it.
It’s our time to prioritize our health and fitness above other values.
Time to teach our families the importance of standing for our value.
Time to insist on a life of balance, with each woman giving herself a seat at the banquet table.
Time to invest in yourself, first, foremost and always.
Time to trust your truth, time to trust your deep intuitive knowing that you are the right thing to prioritize, you are the right horse to bet on, and that doing so will serve not only you, but everyone else in your life.
What can you do for yourself today?
What can you give yourself?
A workout?
A bike ride?
A chapter of a great novel?
A walk outside?
You know as well as I do that if you do not stand for your own value, no one else will.
It’s time. Today. Right now. You are so worth it.